Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some People Have Lunch With Co-Workers

Others, like myself, don't really have co-workers. I work with children. Two boys actually, a four year old and a 23 month old. We decided to eat lunch at a local kid friendly establishment. These are city kids. They know how to eat in a restaurant. The four year old can order for himself. He knows things like if he wants his sandwich grilled or not, wheat bread, the fruit side, and HOLD THE PICKLE. You do not want to see a pickle arrive riding on anyone's plate at our table. Trust me.

So he orders his ham and cheese with mayo, on wheat bread, not cooked, no pickle, and fruit. I order a grilled cheese - no pickle, please. The milks arrive. He inserts his straw into the lid and stabs it right through the bottom side of the styrofoam cup. Milk is pouring everywhere! "Help!" he yells. I plug the whole with my finger as best I can. "Help!" I yell to the waitress.

Our food arrives shortly after the mess has been cleaned up. (The waitress brought a towel.) The four year old asks for my grilled cheese. What? I'm dishing out the fruit (They each only eat certain ones, so I must divide the fruit cup, giving each the appropriate colored fruit.) The four year old puts an entire slice of ham in his mouth, gags, and throws up on his plate.

Clean up at table 4!- Again!

Finally things calm down - for the most part - and we enjoy a pleasant lunch.

(That is at least until the end when the waitress shows the baby that she's giving his big brother a lolly pop that he cannot have.)

Happy lunching everyone!


  1. This is exactly like a business lunch, except it begins with adults in suits having 2-3 martinis at the bar before being seated. Then the rest is pretty much the same.

  2. So you are raising little businessmen! They will do great in the interview!


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