Monday, June 28, 2010

Indiana Series: The Bathroom

When you return from a vacation everyone wants to know the best parts, your favorite activities from the trip.

Any place a ferret runs free must be ferret proof. So when you're on vacation you must improvise with the safest place available. I usually find this to be the bathroom---for both ferrets and the human hosts who have allowed these trouble-causing, fun-seeking, cute, smelly, poo machines into their clean and fresh scented home.

My girls were in their small travel cage for this trip, so I made sure they got plenty of trips out. They had bathroom play time, outside time, and Kyra even had some time in the barn with the cows. But I'm going out on a limb here and speaking for my girls' opinion when I say bathroom time was their favorite. Take a look and see if you think I'm wrong.

"What are we going to do in here Mama?"

Here's what my girls found to do....!

Cleaning out the shower drain!

When I was taking my shower, all three girls pushed the door to the shower open and joined me! These three bath hating girls could not be kicked out of the shower. They just kept coming in and got soaked. Adding to their already glorious scent! Pew!

Some favorite "toys" included the waste can lid and old toilet paper tube.

Mokey making fun.

Mokey's favorite activity was to steal the poo bag.

Everyone had so much fun they were ready to go back to sleep.

Thanks to my cousins Jeff and Donna for allowing me and my fuzzies into their wonderfully air conditioned home. And for feeding me food that was not thawed in the microwave. Truly a rare treat!

Ferret Safety note. Ferrets must be monitored while playing with toilet paper or paper towel tubes. They have been known to squeeze in and not be able to squeeze back out--ending very badly.

1 comment:

  1. Mokey is so cute with the trash bag. "Here, Mama, I take dis to da twash for yous."


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