Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Packaging is Always Best!

Since I was ordering the ferret playpen for our trip home for Thanksgiving, I figured I'd go ahead and get some Christmas presents since they would be included in the flat shipping rate. By the way, Doctors Foster and Smith has become my favorite place to order ferret items from. Not only do they have a flat shipping rate, which is great when ordering cages and playpens, but they have a huge variety of ferret items. Since the girls could not have their Christmas gifts yet, I let them play with the packaging peanuts and box. Don't worry, the peanuts dissolve when wet so they can't choke or cause blockage. Yep, I tested them first to make sure. Took a lick! Its part of a mom's job.

Fawn preferred to dig
Kyra preferred to burrow
Mokey!? Mokey!? Where are you!?
Yes, she's in there. You can see a bit of white fur in the center a bit to the left. She was really hard to snap a shot of.

There she is!!!
I played Find the Egg with Fawn. She really loves a good Easter egg.
Here's a video of Fawn finding the egg.


  1. I like Drs. Foster & Smith's Natural ferret food. It's similar to Evo. Ivy used to love those packing peanuts. She'd run out of the box with them and hide under the bed to eat it. Yes, eat it deliberately. We had to stop letting her play with them because she wanted it to be a huge part of her diet.

  2. Luckily my girls have not taken a liking to eating them, but they are still enjoying burrowing in the box.


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