Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Joyous Thanksmas

The girls and I spent Thanksmas (that's Thanksgiving and Christmas combined) at Grandma and Grandpa's. The girls were very good on the 6 hour drive over. Grandma had cleared a special space just for their new playpen. They were so good about playing in the pen and sleeping in their travel cage. They were allowed out sometimes for high energy running through the house play and romping in the bathroom. Aside from a few attacks on the houseplants, the girls were really well behaved. Grandma and Grandpa both remarked that the girls did not stress them out like they usually do. Good job girls and a special thanks to the new play pen!

Since it was Thanksmas, the girls got to open some presents too. Grandma and Grandpa got them a tweeting bird on a tree stand and a squeaking mouse. Kyra has claimed the mouse for her own and insists that it be stowed away safely under the couch. Now the couch randomly squeaks. Occasionally Mokey will attack the bird or push it across the floor with her nose.

I of course spent a great deal on the new playpen, but what type of mother would only give her little ones practical gifts. I got the girls a plastic hut and filled it with tissue paper for them to dig and shred to their little hearts content. And some new jingly balls. (Saving the rest for Christmas.)

Pictures of Freedom and Fun!

Playing in the Garden Tub

Nothing beats a dryer tube

Run! Run! Run!

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