Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Are Your Shoes For?

I often feel bad about the state of my shoes. When I enter someone's home I remove my shoes and place them near the collection of shoes from the other guests and those who live there. That's when I notice how worn and dirty mine look. I'm always embarrassed. Why do my shoes look so bad. I walk around the city just like everyone else, but mine look so much worse. I buy pretty decent shoes. Most of them aren't very old. I store them properly on a shelf, not on a crumpled pile of fellow dirty shoes. But my beloved shoes never fail to embarrass me at gatherings.

Recently, as many of you know, I had the privilege or reorganizing and relabeling 5, 500+ pictures my genius brother was able to recover for me. Thanks, bro! Anyway, during this two week long journey with many 18hr. days scrolling through photos and videos, I came across this video.

Then I didn't feel so bad about my shoes being more worn and dirty than everyone else's. Look what joy they bring!

1 comment:

  1. When I take off my shoes, the bottoms of my feet are black. Always. Your story is much more fun.


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