Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mokey's Update

Mokey has now been a member of the family for just over six months. When she arrived as an adoption from the GCFA she was skinny, dirty, terrified, and a violent biter--as you may recall from earlier blogs.

Taken on Mokey's first day home. Dec. 2009

How is she doing now?
I'd say she's made herself at home.

She is definitely no longer afraid of me. She is fearless. She is a happy, healthy, fat ball of energy that loves to run around, chase jingle balls, wrestle with her sisters, dig and scratch at the paper and shoe boxes in her cage, and is an expert in ferret bowling.

Despite her happiness, I still have to say, SHE IS CRAZY. She trusts me enough to let me pull her out of the sleeping ferret pile under the couch when its time to go back in the cage. I just reach in, grab something fuzzy and pull it out. No problem, she's used to this. I have previously posted a video of me waking up the girls and patting their little heads. Ohh, so cute. BUT THEN... like the other day...I reach into the girls' cage to pat them all awake for morning playtime and she sticks her head out while I'm petting Kyra , grabs on to my arm and shakes me like a dog shakes its kill. She managed to get me twice before I could get my arm out. I was cut and bleeding and it hurt so bad, and she had the nerve to look at me like "G' morning." She still has a bit of Vampiress in her and she sneaks in a very painful bite every couple of days.


She also has a very bad habit of pooing on the third floor of the ALL WIRE cage. So poo rains down on the hammock below and I think sometimes on the food, cause all of a sudden I notice that no one is eating out of one of the food dishes. I'm surprised Kyra and Fawn haven't said anything to her because they are all very upset when they can't sleep in the hammock. As I am very upset when I have to scrub a poopy hammock and try to clean all the poo out of the wiring. Its a lot more difficult than one would think!

I am glad Mokey is so happy. But she still makes me so mad. And its very disappointing to be afraid of your ferret. Every time she comes walking over to me I panic. I know she's going to bite me somewhere! The other girls will crawl all over me and behind me and I will wrestle them with my hand. But I have to move Mokey cause I know its only a matter of seconds before she goes for the softest, most tender part of my arm. I have made a few, short attempts at hand wrestling with her and they have been successful. She does bite gentler at these times.

Ever hear of a devil in disguise?

1 comment:

  1. She sounds a lot like Leela. Leela will bite me for no reason sometimes.


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