Thursday, September 23, 2010

Christmas in Fall and Fall in Summer. Ugh!

So Fall is finally here. It brought 88 degree sunny humid weather here in Chicago. At the beginning of this week I saw my first Christmas commercial from Macy's. Congratulations Macy's on earning my shame award for this Christmas season. I do believe September is the new record. Usually it's the beginning of October, right? I usually get mad because they can't even wait til after Halloween, but I don't remember Christmas starting around my birthday. Today, I was walking home from work and passed the Christmas tree display in the windows of Home Depot. This saddens me. Another thing that disappoints me about America. Don't expect my Christmas card until December.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God I haven't seen any Christmas stuff here yet. Why do they want us to hate Christmas? Have you ever heard of celebrating something for four months?


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