Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Too Sleepy to Function

I was really tired this weekend. And things were worse this morning as I headed off to work. I was tired to the point of stupidity. I'm sure the Benadryl, or rather Waldryl, I took to put a stop to my constantly running nose and unstoppable sneezing didn't help perk matters up. When the baby and I arrived at his morning toddler class, I walked up to the door of the center and took my keys out of my pocket. Yeah, did you get that? I'm supposed to ring the buzzer to get in. I don't have keys.

There was a woman right behind me who saw the whole thing. She just laughed. Anyone who has or works with children automatically excuses this type of behavior. If it wasn't a cold, it could just as easily have been caused by "baby brain." (A condition that occurs from spending too much time with little ones, ultimately resulting in your brain turning to mush which significantly reduces your ability to maintain an adult conversation, remember why you are where you are, what you were just about to do, and other such things.

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