Monday, May 31, 2010

The Secret to Low Maintanence Shedding

My girls shed twice a year. Once at the start of summer and once when switching to their winter coat. Each shedding lasts about two weeks. Kyra has used shedding to significantly change her coat color. She was jet black when I got her and lightened with each shed. Now, in her old age, it sort of looks like she is graying.

This is Kyra just two weeks ago.

This is Kyra (and friend Toto) maybe two years ago. I didn't have any good pics from when I first brought her home. It was before I had a digital camera. But you can still see the difference.

When Kyra first started shedding and she was just my first new ferret, I thought I should brush her as I had done with my past cats and dog. However, after wasting much money on all kinds of brushes that never worked on a ferret, I gave up.

A few years later, while using one of those sticky rolling brushes for removing their hair from my furniture, I had a great idea. Why not remove the hair at the source? I have been lint brushing my girls during shedding time ever since.

Please make sure this is a pleasant experience for your ferret. Only brush downward on their hair. If it seems too sticky brush it over your couch or something a few times and try again. All three of my girls have never displayed any discomfort with this. Just give them a few strokes to get the loose hair. This is not a shearing.

The best way to do this is to just take the brush and let the ferrets wrestle with it as you rub them. They love this!
Replace hand with brush. Enjoy!


  1. I bathe them to help the shed. You have to be prepared for a hair clog, though.

    Aww, Toto. He blesses the rains down in Africa.

  2. Poor little Kyra in the first pic. She looks sooo tiny. She sure is special and you are such a good mom!! I really miss her.


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