Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Surgery Recovery

Its about time I give an update to Fawn's surgery.....

This is a picture of her incision after surgery. It looked really good; no swelling and not much redness at all.

Ten days later she got her stitches removed. For a few more days she had some scabs which fell off on their own. Here's a pic with stitches removed. You can see her hair stubble growing in.

Hopefully she will heal as well as Kyra. Kyra has all her hair back and no scar at all.

As far as her recovery and pain management go...I was surprised to be sent home with no pain meds and only antibiotics. She was on pain meds at the vet for two days. She came home the third day. By the fourth day she was running around and wrestling with my sweater as I gave her rides on it across the floor. I was going to post the video of this active display of miracle healing, but it appears I am unable to load videos anymore. I've been trying for days so now its time to just give up and get some of these video-less posts out.

Now, a few weeks after surgery, there is barely even a mark left. You can tell, as with Kyra, there will be no scar. I can't believe it. Ferrets are amazing! --And so is her vet!


  1. Don't you have the little video icon when you are editing your blogs?

  2. I have a video icon for loading the videos, but it never stops loading. I looked for assistance, but all I found was a bunch of people complaining that they can't load their videos either.


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