Monday, July 5, 2010

Ferrets in a cooler

I went to leave the other day and so I put the girls in their cage. Mokey, however, was running around and playing with all the toys. So I asked her if she wanted to come with me. I like to take the girls out when I get a chance and the weather is nice. A rare occasion. Especially since I've learned the girls do not enjoy going out when it is windy. Which is almost all of the time. I need some practice taking Mokey out also, because I don't know yet how she reacts and how she prefers to be held for a walk.

It was a hot and humid day so I brought a soft cold pack to place on my arm so Mokey could sit on it and stay cool. I brought a cooler with water in it for me. She did not want to ride. She wanted to run free! I tried to detain her in the cooler.

Um, I'll try again with Mokey. So far I've always taken
her in a carrier or just out front on a leash.

I took Mokey, the busy body, to a flower bed to play for a bit and then back home. She was not in the mood to be carried. Although, she doesn't allow me to carrier her anyway. Only from a sleeping place to the cage to be tucked in. We are improving though. She used to bit me if I even tried to touch her or pick her up. Even with all the squirming and noisy excitement going on around us, she never bit or nipped at me. Yay!

So with Mokey safely returned to her cage, I found Kyra quite interested in what had been going on. I decided to give her a turn.

Kyra was much more calm about the whole thing.

Kyra looked around, dug in the cooler, and then nestled down for a nap.
Ice pack or no, I think she preferred to be home.
I wasn't sure if she was tired or miserable in the heat, so we went back home.

She was so cute in that cooler!

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