Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hugs and Sunburn

Fawn loves to give hugs! She comes over, jumps up on your leg as high as she can, digs in her claws and slides all the way down. This is normally a favorite "gotcha activity" for after the shower. (Along with biting my ankles and toes and trying to lick lotion off my feet. Which is a no no for ferrets to lick.)

But in the summer these loving, painful moments become an everyday occurrence. But also in the summer the chance of getting one of these scraping hugs down your sunburned legs increases. That's what happened last month when Fawn came to give me one of her special hugs. This picture is not of the sunburn hug. That was not a camera moment. So much pain. I think I almost threw up. But the upside is that now when Fawn hugs me, it doesn't hurt so bad, because I remember how much it CAN hurt!

Snuggles, Fawn!

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