Sunday, November 14, 2010

Damien v.s. the Devil

Every time I see a cute little boy running around the playground and his mother or nanny introduces him as Damien, I can't help but think why someone would name their child after the Devil. Isn't Damien another name for the Devil? I can't separate the two. Its the first thing I think of when I hear the name. I can't be the only one with this word association!?

1 comment:

  1. You're right. My cousin changed his name to Damien, but I really have no idea why. My mom said it was because he did something in the war and doesn't want to be traced by the enemy, but I have a feeling it's because he doesn't want to be named after his father. The family still calls him his given name, but everyone he's met since going into the military thinks his name is Damien. I should add that in high school he dressed like the trenchcoat mafia, so I can see why he'd want to be named after the devil.


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