Saturday, December 4, 2010

Ferret Health: Watch & Wait

Kyra and Mokey are both under medical observation.

After shedding was completed, Mokey forgot to grow in her winter coat. She also got very thin. So Mokey, once referred to as Bear for her large size and fluffy coat, is now skinny and has no hair on her tail. I see her eat plenty and aside from sleeping in in the morning, she's still quite active. The vet suspects adrenal disease even though she is only 2 1/2 years old. It's also a possibility that she has Seasonal something, which is caused by artificial light confusing ferrets during the shedding season into thinking maybe it is not actually winter and so they don't grow their winter coat. And so we wait to see.

In the words of Arnold Schwarzenegger, "It is not a tuma." I discovered a lump in Kyra's left side the day after Thanksgiving. She has recently gained a lot of weight and is very fluffy. I was just remarking how healthy my little Kyra had become. Her coat is silky soft. I thought the weight was due to impending winter weather. However, I soon noticed she was walking a bit funny, and while still moving about, she wasn't running about. So I did a body check and found the lump. The vet determined through ex-ray that her spleen was enlarged. Its filling up with white blood cells for some infection that only it is aware of. So Kyra was given antibiotics and I am to observe and wait. Its pressing a bit on her pancreas, giving her slightly low blood sugar. If it shrinks back up - good. If it grows, she'll need surgery.

Both these test results are worth the grand total of two weeks pay. Yikes. And I'm supposed to bring them back in January to test again to see if anything has changed.

For now, I watch and wait.

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