Friday, December 17, 2010

Kyra Has Cancer - Again

Kyra was lethargic, barely able to walk , not eating, and starting to twitch when I took her to the vet this afternoon. I figured her blood sugar was low, and the honey and high protein food I gave her did not perk her up. Sure enough, her blood sugar level was 29. It should be around 100. She had also lost weight. The vet diagnosed her with insulinoma - or pancreatic cancer. She did have some good news, however, her speen has in fact shrunk a bit. But that really means nothing since she has pancreatic cancer anyway.

She's taking prednisone and brewers yeast to help attack the extra insulin and help release more sugar into her system. Although none of this was too successful tonight, as she refused to eat the food I offered her with the medicines hidden inside. So that got thrown out. Then I dumped the prednisone on myself. Then I had to force in the meds with a dropper which caused her to gag and spit most of it out. When I offered her food she was so pissed she wouldn't even eat the regular food. So she has half her meds and barely any food. But somehow she mustered enough energy to hide under the couch right when I was trying to put everyone in the cage so I could leave for work.

I had two jobs cancel on me this week, and one job doesn't need me for two weeks due to Christmas vacations. Good thing I'm working two jobs this weekend. I guess its sort of good since I was afraid I might actually die from being so tired this week. When I received a text at 6:30 this morning that my job was cancelled, I went right back to bed until almost 10. You know when you're so tired you can't think or remember what you are doing or why you are where you are, and you're afraid you may just fall asleep while standing up in the middle of work? Well, that's what was happening to me. So two cancelled jobs -good for my survival- not good for my pocket book, which just recently had to purchase a new lap top and vet bills. Vet bills win however, costing well above the price of a laptop - although I did buy the second cheapest laptop they had, right off the shelf too for an added discount to the already clearance price.

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