Monday, March 22, 2010

Waking up the Girls

A video speaks 1,000 words!

What a Yawn!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa

A post by Mokey

Two weeks after my adoption, I spent my first Christmas with my new family. Mom took us to my new grandparents' house! It was kind of a long drive, but Mom said we were really good (after we finally settled in). Grandma and Grandpa were so excited to meet me.( I was a surprise!) They were ready for us though. They had had a carpenter friend come and seal up all the holes under the cabinets so we could play safely. Apparently Kyra had caused some trouble last time by getting in between the cabinets and the flooring. Grandpa saved the day by taking apart the dishwasher and getting her out. Yay, Grandpa! But I didn't let a couple of patched up holes stop me. I still took my turn exploring inside the dishwasher. Ha! (See pic below). Even after all the trouble we caused (including pooing behind the Christmas tree) they still showered us with presents.

Oh, and Mom wanted me to be sure and thank Grandma for supervising Fawn's play in the middle of the night when she woke up and started causing a ruckus in the cage. I started crying and Mom was yelling at us to be quiet and go to sleep. Grandma came in and offered to play with Fawn in the living room. Mom was so thankful! Thanks Grandma!
I'm In!

Fawn and Mokey

Kyra and Mokey (See how thin my tail is? Its as full as a feather duster now!)

Kyra with a big slipper and octopus.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Fawn Goes to the Lake

(A post by Mom)

Fawn and I went to the lake for our last opportunity before winter came. Kyra stayed home because -surprise, surprise-she was feeling under the weather. On our way to the lake a photographer stopped and took our picture. Fawn is the pretty one :) See for yourself...


Feet, Feet, They can't be beat. The best little feet are ferret feet!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Mokey Brings the Plague

Ferrets cost a lot of money! What does that have to do with the plague? Everything. Mommy was worried about adopting a third ferret because they cost so much in medical bills. But she was guilted into it by the pleas of the GCFA, a no kill shelter, that was overwhelmed with well over 100 ferrets and not enough room for them...and as a result was experiencing spreading illnesses. (Their trick: pics and bios of each little fuzzy asking for a "forever home.")

Anyway, as you know...Mommy adopted another ferret - Me. I still say I had nothing to do with what occurred over the next two months. Lets just say we all got sick. It started with Kyra who of course had to almost die - as she does every time she gets anything! Mom had to miss work rushing Kyra to the vet on Monday mornings because she wasn't responding to the medications. (There's nowhere to take ferrets on weekends or evenings. Emergency vets won't/can't treat them.) She lost lots of sleep keeping an eye on Kyra through the night and had to walk back home from work each day to feed Kyra and then rush back. When I say Kyra always almost dies...let me explain her reaction to the "plague." Kyra became lethargic, she had trouble walking (her kidneys and intestines swelled), soon she wouldn't walk at all, then she stopped eating (she lost the equivalent of @20lbs in five days), she went from a fever (infection) to being put on a hot plate to bring her body temp back up. She had blood tests, sonograms, poo tests, ivs of fluids and vitamins and antibiotics, prescription foods, and one hospital stay. Fawn and I, on the other hand, just got a little diarrhea. We were fine after about three days on the medications.

Mom made yummy food to fatten Kyra back up.

Mokey and Her New Sisters

Mokey tells about bonding with her new sisters Fawn & Kyra in the picture.

I took to Fawn right away. Mostly because she paid attention to me while Kyra would have nothing to do with me. Fawn and I warmed up to each other quickly. She showed me all around the place and likes to chase and wrestle with me. Kyra will join in sometimes now, but she used to just hiss at me. Me! Can you believe it! I find its much easier to cuddle with Kyra than wrestle with her. While Fawn is my best playmate, she used to bite me in my sleep! Mom would put us to bed and we'd all cuddle up in a pile - as all ferrets do. Then, for no reason at all, the chewing would begin. I would cry out and squeak...squeak...squeak. Sure Mom would come out of her bedroom and shake her finger at us and threaten Fawn with sleeping in "the other cage" if she didn't stop, but she still called ME a cry baby! How dare she! She said she forgot ferrets even made noise until I came along. Apparently there was no hissing or crying or squeaking before I came along. Everything was just perfect and quiet and nobody woke Mommy up in the night or made her late for work cause they wouldn't get out from under the couch, or bit her until she was bleeding and crying....whaa whaa whaa...who's the cry baby now?

Anyway, these pics below will show you how we get along now.

Yep, that's all three of us.

Mokey Gets Adopted

Hi, I'm Mokey.

I live with my mom and two ferret sisters Fawn and Kyra. I was adopted from the Greater Chicago Ferret Association (GCFA) in December 2009. When my mom brought me home I was skinny and my hair was falling out. (I know, how embarrassing, right?) I was pretty healthy, just depressed. You see, even though everybody at GCFA was really nice and worked very hard to take care of me and the other 100+ ferrets in the shelter, I really wanted a home of my own.

When I arrived at my new home I was tiny and my fur felt like straw. I was also scared out of my wits! Every time Mom walked into the room I froze like a deer in head lights. And if she tried to pick me up I would show her who was boss with a great big bite. I'd never let go. She had to pry me off with her other hand. And I always drew blood! Mom had some marks for so long she thought they would scar. (She can be so dramatic sometimes!) That behavior won me the nickname of Vampiress. But now, only three months later I'm pretty comfortable here. I learned that Mom's not going to hurt me. She's really quite a sucker. Now I only slip in a good bite every once in a while to keep her on her toes. She also feeds us all yummy food. No more scrawny Mokey! I'm bigger than my sisters now and have so much fluffy fur Mom calls me "Bear" sometimes. I love my new sisters. And I've never seen so many toys! Yeah, I think I'm going to like it here.

Kyra looking proud of her new sister's homecoming.

Fawn is proud too!

Fawn shows Mokey around.

Mokey at homecoming.
Mokey two months later.

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