Friday, March 12, 2010

Mokey and Her New Sisters

Mokey tells about bonding with her new sisters Fawn & Kyra in the picture.

I took to Fawn right away. Mostly because she paid attention to me while Kyra would have nothing to do with me. Fawn and I warmed up to each other quickly. She showed me all around the place and likes to chase and wrestle with me. Kyra will join in sometimes now, but she used to just hiss at me. Me! Can you believe it! I find its much easier to cuddle with Kyra than wrestle with her. While Fawn is my best playmate, she used to bite me in my sleep! Mom would put us to bed and we'd all cuddle up in a pile - as all ferrets do. Then, for no reason at all, the chewing would begin. I would cry out and squeak...squeak...squeak. Sure Mom would come out of her bedroom and shake her finger at us and threaten Fawn with sleeping in "the other cage" if she didn't stop, but she still called ME a cry baby! How dare she! She said she forgot ferrets even made noise until I came along. Apparently there was no hissing or crying or squeaking before I came along. Everything was just perfect and quiet and nobody woke Mommy up in the night or made her late for work cause they wouldn't get out from under the couch, or bit her until she was bleeding and crying....whaa whaa whaa...who's the cry baby now?

Anyway, these pics below will show you how we get along now.

Yep, that's all three of us.

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