Friday, March 12, 2010

Mokey Gets Adopted

Hi, I'm Mokey.

I live with my mom and two ferret sisters Fawn and Kyra. I was adopted from the Greater Chicago Ferret Association (GCFA) in December 2009. When my mom brought me home I was skinny and my hair was falling out. (I know, how embarrassing, right?) I was pretty healthy, just depressed. You see, even though everybody at GCFA was really nice and worked very hard to take care of me and the other 100+ ferrets in the shelter, I really wanted a home of my own.

When I arrived at my new home I was tiny and my fur felt like straw. I was also scared out of my wits! Every time Mom walked into the room I froze like a deer in head lights. And if she tried to pick me up I would show her who was boss with a great big bite. I'd never let go. She had to pry me off with her other hand. And I always drew blood! Mom had some marks for so long she thought they would scar. (She can be so dramatic sometimes!) That behavior won me the nickname of Vampiress. But now, only three months later I'm pretty comfortable here. I learned that Mom's not going to hurt me. She's really quite a sucker. Now I only slip in a good bite every once in a while to keep her on her toes. She also feeds us all yummy food. No more scrawny Mokey! I'm bigger than my sisters now and have so much fluffy fur Mom calls me "Bear" sometimes. I love my new sisters. And I've never seen so many toys! Yeah, I think I'm going to like it here.

Kyra looking proud of her new sister's homecoming.

Fawn is proud too!

Fawn shows Mokey around.

Mokey at homecoming.
Mokey two months later.


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