Sunday, March 21, 2010

Christmas with Grandma and Grandpa

A post by Mokey

Two weeks after my adoption, I spent my first Christmas with my new family. Mom took us to my new grandparents' house! It was kind of a long drive, but Mom said we were really good (after we finally settled in). Grandma and Grandpa were so excited to meet me.( I was a surprise!) They were ready for us though. They had had a carpenter friend come and seal up all the holes under the cabinets so we could play safely. Apparently Kyra had caused some trouble last time by getting in between the cabinets and the flooring. Grandpa saved the day by taking apart the dishwasher and getting her out. Yay, Grandpa! But I didn't let a couple of patched up holes stop me. I still took my turn exploring inside the dishwasher. Ha! (See pic below). Even after all the trouble we caused (including pooing behind the Christmas tree) they still showered us with presents.

Oh, and Mom wanted me to be sure and thank Grandma for supervising Fawn's play in the middle of the night when she woke up and started causing a ruckus in the cage. I started crying and Mom was yelling at us to be quiet and go to sleep. Grandma came in and offered to play with Fawn in the living room. Mom was so thankful! Thanks Grandma!
I'm In!

Fawn and Mokey

Kyra and Mokey (See how thin my tail is? Its as full as a feather duster now!)

Kyra with a big slipper and octopus.


  1. Does your mom love on the ferrets like mine does? My mom decided Kirby was her favorite because he took a quick nap on her one day.

  2. I actually had to move out of my parents house so I could get Kyra! I had been wanting a ferret since 7th grade. The first time my mom met Kyra, Kyra crawled up behind her and my mom screamed! Soon after, we were visiting Grandma and when I walked in the door Mom - now Grandma- would grab Kyra out of my hands saying "There's my beautiful grandbaby." Not even a hello to her human daughter. :)


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