Friday, June 11, 2010

Indiana Series: Taking a Walk

The ferrets and I, along with other human family members, went on vacation to Indiana to celebrate my aunt and uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary. This is one excerpt from our many adventures.

The ferrets and I were awaiting our morning pick up to be transferred to air conditioning before 11am. As ferrents you know you have to monitor the temp very closely. We were staying at my 95 year old Great Aunt's house, but temps were rising quickly. Plus she had the heat on???? So I guess it wouldn't have mattered if her home, built sometime in the late 1800's by her grandparents, had a/c or not. But I had checked the weather's hourly forecast and knew my girls had to split before 11am and temps reaching 80 and higher. (As a side note - On this day. The first 80 degree day. All three of my girls began their shedding! It was suddenly raining fur.)

Since the heat came on inside, we took refuge outside in the shade while we waited.

The leashes are attached to the cage. I tried to let them chill outside the cage, but all of them weaseled right out of their leashes.

So I took them for one-on-one walks with Mom.

Fawn's walk was short as she would not sit still and was set on escape!

Kyra got to explore the barn and visit the cows (Blog entry Indiana Series: Holy Cow!) But here are some pics of her checking out the outside of the barn and burrowing through the grass.

Nothing like digging in real dirt! "Does it feel different from digging out the inside of my couch, Kyra?"
Kyra The Great Explorer

Safety Notice: It's important to know your ferrets. Kyra has experience from Ohio in exploring fields and even hiking in the park with me. I know what she'll do when I put her down. I know she is a slow explorer and will stop if I yell her name. Fawn and Mokey require a leash for exploring. A result of being city ferrets I guess.

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