Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Mac

So I took the boys, previously referred to as "the four year old" and "the baby" out on a play date with friends. Below is a picture of "The Baby," who is actually two years old, walking with a very good friend. These two are tight. They like to run around together squealing and bursting into uproarious giggles. This is an adorable picture of the two looking all cute and innocent. Right?

Wait a minute...What is happening here? What is The Baby doing? Is he making a move?

Ahh, The Baby was successful! How cute!

Actually he was just reaching out to put his arm around her as she is doing to him in the last picture. This was just one of those lucky camera shots that made for a really funny photo.

Give him a couple more years though and he'll be irresistible. His personality already out shines them all! Love ya Baby!

1 comment:

  1. He'll grow up to be as ass-grabbing as Dave!


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