Monday, June 14, 2010

The First Dooking...

But Not The Last

When I first brought Kyra home from the pet store I was armed only with a ferret info book read cover to cover, a bunch of new ferretty supplies, previous experience and knowledge with other animals having no bearing on what to expect from a ferret, and my good friend Allison who came with me to pick up the pet who would soon rule my life-and my pocket book.

I carefully placed my new ferret on the living room floor of my recently ferret proofed apartment. I had followed every bullet point in the book for a ferret safe home. Kyra's paws touched ground, she paused for the briefest of seconds to glance around and BECAME AIR BORN! This new creature could fly. She jumped straight up and twisted her body in the air before crashing back down only to fly again. Some sort of squeaking sound was coming out of her. I stood back completely freaked out. The book said nothing about air born seizures. I thought she was having some sort of episode. I mustered a scared, "What's wrong with her?" to my friend. She, squinting her face in an analytical way at Kyra, turned to me and said in a halted reply, "I think... she's...happy."

She was! Kyra was happy. She was out of the square glass cage she had lived in for the past few months. She was on the ground and free! I have since seen much dooking, but never again have I seen a dooking display like her first dook of freedom.

Now I have heard of this event (I did lots of internet searching on the topic shortly after) labeled "the war dance." I hate this term. I did from the moment I read it. There is nothing war-like about this dance. It is a pure expression of all good, joy, excitement, and energy! It says I'm happy, come play with me.

Six years later, I captured Kyra in a dooking dance. She's in her land, preparing for another straight up in the air jump. Look at her. If you're a ferrent you'll see in her eyes and posture what the picture can't show you. ;)

It just goes to show you, no matter how much research you've done or experience you have, there's always a ferret who can throw you for a loop. And we love em!

1 comment:

  1. I remember when I first brought Bartleby home, he did his backing up scooting thing he always used to do to get me to play. I thought he was trying to get away from me, and my pathetic feelings were hurt. Then one of my managers at work started playing with him when he did that, and I understood what it was. Other pets don't invite you to play like that.


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