Monday, June 28, 2010

Indiana Series: The Bathroom

When you return from a vacation everyone wants to know the best parts, your favorite activities from the trip.

Any place a ferret runs free must be ferret proof. So when you're on vacation you must improvise with the safest place available. I usually find this to be the bathroom---for both ferrets and the human hosts who have allowed these trouble-causing, fun-seeking, cute, smelly, poo machines into their clean and fresh scented home.

My girls were in their small travel cage for this trip, so I made sure they got plenty of trips out. They had bathroom play time, outside time, and Kyra even had some time in the barn with the cows. But I'm going out on a limb here and speaking for my girls' opinion when I say bathroom time was their favorite. Take a look and see if you think I'm wrong.

"What are we going to do in here Mama?"

Here's what my girls found to do....!

Cleaning out the shower drain!

When I was taking my shower, all three girls pushed the door to the shower open and joined me! These three bath hating girls could not be kicked out of the shower. They just kept coming in and got soaked. Adding to their already glorious scent! Pew!

Some favorite "toys" included the waste can lid and old toilet paper tube.

Mokey making fun.

Mokey's favorite activity was to steal the poo bag.

Everyone had so much fun they were ready to go back to sleep.

Thanks to my cousins Jeff and Donna for allowing me and my fuzzies into their wonderfully air conditioned home. And for feeding me food that was not thawed in the microwave. Truly a rare treat!

Ferret Safety note. Ferrets must be monitored while playing with toilet paper or paper towel tubes. They have been known to squeeze in and not be able to squeeze back out--ending very badly.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pottery: My Second Bowl

I call this one: The Little Bowl.

Still looking for my vase I made last month. Just keep going back and checking the shelf of finished work. The last time I went back it wasn't on the finished shelf or the shelf for work waiting to be fired. So I've got no idea what that means. Even when someone's work is broken, they leave the pieces so you know what happened. That's typical me stuff though. I said even if I get only one piece from this class to take home, I just want it to be a vase. Hmmm. I'm checking back one more week and then I give up.

Wish me luck!

Monday, June 14, 2010

The First Dooking...

But Not The Last

When I first brought Kyra home from the pet store I was armed only with a ferret info book read cover to cover, a bunch of new ferretty supplies, previous experience and knowledge with other animals having no bearing on what to expect from a ferret, and my good friend Allison who came with me to pick up the pet who would soon rule my life-and my pocket book.

I carefully placed my new ferret on the living room floor of my recently ferret proofed apartment. I had followed every bullet point in the book for a ferret safe home. Kyra's paws touched ground, she paused for the briefest of seconds to glance around and BECAME AIR BORN! This new creature could fly. She jumped straight up and twisted her body in the air before crashing back down only to fly again. Some sort of squeaking sound was coming out of her. I stood back completely freaked out. The book said nothing about air born seizures. I thought she was having some sort of episode. I mustered a scared, "What's wrong with her?" to my friend. She, squinting her face in an analytical way at Kyra, turned to me and said in a halted reply, "I think... she's...happy."

She was! Kyra was happy. She was out of the square glass cage she had lived in for the past few months. She was on the ground and free! I have since seen much dooking, but never again have I seen a dooking display like her first dook of freedom.

Now I have heard of this event (I did lots of internet searching on the topic shortly after) labeled "the war dance." I hate this term. I did from the moment I read it. There is nothing war-like about this dance. It is a pure expression of all good, joy, excitement, and energy! It says I'm happy, come play with me.

Six years later, I captured Kyra in a dooking dance. She's in her land, preparing for another straight up in the air jump. Look at her. If you're a ferrent you'll see in her eyes and posture what the picture can't show you. ;)

It just goes to show you, no matter how much research you've done or experience you have, there's always a ferret who can throw you for a loop. And we love em!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Indiana Series: Holy Cow!

I took Kyra down to the barn to visit the cows. See Kyra meet cows....

"Ok, Mom, this is close enough!"


I had to feed the cow myself.

I put Kyra on top of this barrel so I could feed the cow. She thought this water bottle was really cool!

These cats were not impressed by our visit. In fact I think they were a little pissed.

Here's me feeding the cow.

Here's Kyra playing with the water bottle.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Indiana Series: Taking a Walk

The ferrets and I, along with other human family members, went on vacation to Indiana to celebrate my aunt and uncle's 50th Wedding Anniversary. This is one excerpt from our many adventures.

The ferrets and I were awaiting our morning pick up to be transferred to air conditioning before 11am. As ferrents you know you have to monitor the temp very closely. We were staying at my 95 year old Great Aunt's house, but temps were rising quickly. Plus she had the heat on???? So I guess it wouldn't have mattered if her home, built sometime in the late 1800's by her grandparents, had a/c or not. But I had checked the weather's hourly forecast and knew my girls had to split before 11am and temps reaching 80 and higher. (As a side note - On this day. The first 80 degree day. All three of my girls began their shedding! It was suddenly raining fur.)

Since the heat came on inside, we took refuge outside in the shade while we waited.

The leashes are attached to the cage. I tried to let them chill outside the cage, but all of them weaseled right out of their leashes.

So I took them for one-on-one walks with Mom.

Fawn's walk was short as she would not sit still and was set on escape!

Kyra got to explore the barn and visit the cows (Blog entry Indiana Series: Holy Cow!) But here are some pics of her checking out the outside of the barn and burrowing through the grass.

Nothing like digging in real dirt! "Does it feel different from digging out the inside of my couch, Kyra?"
Kyra The Great Explorer

Safety Notice: It's important to know your ferrets. Kyra has experience from Ohio in exploring fields and even hiking in the park with me. I know what she'll do when I put her down. I know she is a slow explorer and will stop if I yell her name. Fawn and Mokey require a leash for exploring. A result of being city ferrets I guess.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Baby Mac

So I took the boys, previously referred to as "the four year old" and "the baby" out on a play date with friends. Below is a picture of "The Baby," who is actually two years old, walking with a very good friend. These two are tight. They like to run around together squealing and bursting into uproarious giggles. This is an adorable picture of the two looking all cute and innocent. Right?

Wait a minute...What is happening here? What is The Baby doing? Is he making a move?

Ahh, The Baby was successful! How cute!

Actually he was just reaching out to put his arm around her as she is doing to him in the last picture. This was just one of those lucky camera shots that made for a really funny photo.

Give him a couple more years though and he'll be irresistible. His personality already out shines them all! Love ya Baby!
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