Monday, October 25, 2010

Ferret Nation Has Been Floored!

The girls were still very apprehensive about the steep ladder used to exit the new cage. Despite ample time to practice, they still began each descent down the ladder with a slow start at the top which soon became a stumble, slide, bouncy-bounce, somehow ending in them sliding down sideways into a jump to skip the bottom all together. I was never happy about the extended height and lower level shelf anyway. The height just made the already too big cage look even bigger, and the bottom shelf invited clutter.

So off with the legs!

I wanted to skip the bottom during the original assembling, but was afraid it wouldn't go together right if I veered from the instructions. So this weekend I finally took the legs off. Mom and ferrets are now happy! When the door is open it sticks out over the ferret gate putting it at perfect level for Mom to hit her knee on every time she enters the room. But, its not the worst thing to happen since ferrets took over my home.

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