Friday, October 1, 2010

Skinny Jeans Complaint 10.2

Today I watched a man struggle to put his cell phone into the pocket of his skinny jeans. This attempt required so much of a struggle that he was actually grunting and calling out "Ow, ow, ow,ow,ow!" I walked past before I could find out if he was successful or not, but it wasn't looking good.

I would like to add this to my argument that skinny jeans should be banned from public sight. Skinny jeans do not compliment the wearer when worn by an overweight person, causing the "yikes" effect. Or when worn by an underweight person, causing that grimace, "ooh" response as you wonder when they had their last meal. As for the attractive and otherwise physically fit person, the skinny jean takes away all attractiveness, causing onlookers to give the disappointed head shake at what could have been.

I do not expect my movement to have any more effect on society than my previous oppositions to those hideous shoe like things called Crocks, the Capri pant, the low rise jeans, and men's desire to wear their pants up to their butt and their boxers up to the waist. Improvements have been made on the women's low rise jeans, especially in the thong-sticking-out department. Did you know some places were moving to place a law against the thong sticking out? Of course you still see a tushy crack or undergarment popping out occasionally, but there are at least appropriate options on the wracks again. But that took a political, religious, and social uproar from the public. I feeling like I am in the minority on the skinny jean. I suppose I will just have to wait till they fade out of fashion. Hopefully!


1 comment:

  1. I hate skinny jeans and crocs both. The only people who look appropriate in skinny jeans are anorexic boys who listen to The White Stripes. Everyone else looks retarded.


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