Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Some People Have Lunch With Co-Workers

Others, like myself, don't really have co-workers. I work with children. Two boys actually, a four year old and a 23 month old. We decided to eat lunch at a local kid friendly establishment. These are city kids. They know how to eat in a restaurant. The four year old can order for himself. He knows things like if he wants his sandwich grilled or not, wheat bread, the fruit side, and HOLD THE PICKLE. You do not want to see a pickle arrive riding on anyone's plate at our table. Trust me.

So he orders his ham and cheese with mayo, on wheat bread, not cooked, no pickle, and fruit. I order a grilled cheese - no pickle, please. The milks arrive. He inserts his straw into the lid and stabs it right through the bottom side of the styrofoam cup. Milk is pouring everywhere! "Help!" he yells. I plug the whole with my finger as best I can. "Help!" I yell to the waitress.

Our food arrives shortly after the mess has been cleaned up. (The waitress brought a towel.) The four year old asks for my grilled cheese. What? I'm dishing out the fruit (They each only eat certain ones, so I must divide the fruit cup, giving each the appropriate colored fruit.) The four year old puts an entire slice of ham in his mouth, gags, and throws up on his plate.

Clean up at table 4!- Again!

Finally things calm down - for the most part - and we enjoy a pleasant lunch.

(That is at least until the end when the waitress shows the baby that she's giving his big brother a lolly pop that he cannot have.)

Happy lunching everyone!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Mokey Bit Me - Again

She got me again. I was just minding my own business typing on the computer when she crawled across my lap and latched on. Owww! She's very accurate at the one-point-puncture-wound. I have no idea what set her off.

Thanks Scrivener's Retreat

I read on the Scrivener's Retreat blog about reusable, machine washable pads you can buy to attach to your Swiffer Wet Jet so you don't have to harm the environment and your budget buying the disposable ones Swiffer offers. I know there's a new mop on the market with the reusable ones, but I already own a Swiffer and didn't want to pitch it to replace it with a less wasteful new mop. Sort of defeats the purpose of less waste. Anyway, she recommended them from I ordered them and just used it this past week. It worked out great. Its a bit harder to push than the disposable ones, but I used my abs, so I considered it a house cleaning and ab workout in one.

Personalized Plate

Look at this wonderful plate the boys made for me at school. See the tracing of their little hands? They colored a picture on paper and then it was sent to some company that put it on plates, bowls, or trays. It was done after school so I was with them. They each made one for themselves and then one for me, so I'll have something to remember them by. I love it! I ate my lunch off of it today :)

New Shoes

I bought new shoes. Made in Italy, NOT China. Yay. I love sandals! I love Spring!

Oh, BTW, I'm standing on a rug made of all recycled materials :)

Day After Fawn's Surgery

I went to visit Fawn today, one day after her surgery. She looked great! They brought her out to me and she crawled out of her sack and started walking around. She tried to climb down from the table so I put her on the floor. She walked around (carefully) exploring. She took a nice poo on the floor showing she was clearly eating and drinking like normal. So different from Kyra who was crying and never moved anything but her head. Fawn only had one adrenal gland removed. Her incision was smaller than Kyra's and it looked good, normal skin color and no swelling. I'll be bringing her home tomorrow, two days after surgery.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Due for Surgery

My little Fawny is having surgery on Thursday. I have to take her to the vet Wednesday morning and leave her all alone to get IVs of fluids and vitamins. She recieved her "four year old birthday present" from Marshall's ---- Adrenal cancer. Kyra got it right after her 4th birthday. She started to loose her hair and get swollen down there, but maintained her energy and appetite. Fawn is much the same. She's the same old Fawn except for the hair lose; no swelling. I only hope her surgery is as successful as Kyra's. Kyra had both adrenal glands removed except for the tissue around that vein so necessary for life. We won't know how much Fawn needs removed until the vet gets in there. But I trust his judgment. I made sure to get the same vet to care for Fawn that cared for Kyra.

Kyra wrestling Fawn just days after surgery.

I keep thinking about when I came to visit Kyra after her surgery and they brought her to me in a towel. She looked awful. I could see she was in so much pain, but when she looked at me I could see how happy she was that her mommy was there. I held her and she put her head on my chest and nuzzled me. She was crying. This crying/whining sound I had never heard my baby ferret make before. I thought I had made the worse mistake of my life putting her through this.

"Maaaamm! Are you coming back in?"

When I came back the next day, she was not crying. I fed her out of my hand and she ate pretty well. The next day I took her home. She was very happy to see her sister fawn and walked around exploring. (We were actually at my brother's place, but that's a different long story.) By the end of the week she was climbing and jumping. Soon she was like "What surgery? I don't know what you're talking about." She had a full recovery. All her hair grew back! She doesn't even have a scar! She will be celebrating her 6th birthday at the end of this month!

Look how fluffy.

I hope everything goes well for Fawn. I just keep thinking of right after the surgery, and feel like I'm going to throw up :( Its so hard to hand her over at the vet's office. You know there's a chance its the last time. Ugh! My poor baby.

I love you Fawny!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who Did This, Too?

This is what happened when I slept in on a Saturday. Geesh, it was only til 9am. My ferrets know their weekend rights. And weekends involve very little cage time. Slack off and they'll find their own weekend fun in the cage.

This is a shoe box filled with tissue paper, balls, and sometimes a squeaky elephant. Usually it lays flat and they play or sleep inside it. They like to chew and scratch at it. Periodically I fill it with new tissue paper, they shred it, then I replace it, and the cycle repeats. This morning someone decided to turn it on its side (quite impressive actually) and pull all the paper out across three cage floors.

Who could have done this?

Now, I don't know, but there's a certain ferret who always seems to be around in these situations.
I'm just saying...

Who Did This?

I came home from work to find this...

Yes, that's an elephant in the water dish.

"Girls, who did this?"
"Did what? I don't notice anything odd." replied Mokey.

"I'm just going to take a drink out of my water dish that is completely normal. La la la, slurp, slurp."

I'm not going to point any fingers, but a lot of things have been happening around here since Mokey's arrival that were never a problem before. Hmmm? Good thing I also have a water bottle in the cage. Although it doesn't seem anybody minded sharing the water dish with a squeaker elephant?
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