Friday, April 16, 2010

Thanks Scrivener's Retreat

I read on the Scrivener's Retreat blog about reusable, machine washable pads you can buy to attach to your Swiffer Wet Jet so you don't have to harm the environment and your budget buying the disposable ones Swiffer offers. I know there's a new mop on the market with the reusable ones, but I already own a Swiffer and didn't want to pitch it to replace it with a less wasteful new mop. Sort of defeats the purpose of less waste. Anyway, she recommended them from I ordered them and just used it this past week. It worked out great. Its a bit harder to push than the disposable ones, but I used my abs, so I considered it a house cleaning and ab workout in one.

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Jodi. I used mine today to clean up random ferret pees. I had to clean my Swiffer's velcro because it got all gunky somehow. One of Dave's old tenants used to use it, so maybe it was them.

    When you wash them, make sure you don't use fabric softener. I did, and it was too soft and started rolling as I pushed the Swiffer, and the pad would roll right off.


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