Monday, April 5, 2010

Who Did This, Too?

This is what happened when I slept in on a Saturday. Geesh, it was only til 9am. My ferrets know their weekend rights. And weekends involve very little cage time. Slack off and they'll find their own weekend fun in the cage.

This is a shoe box filled with tissue paper, balls, and sometimes a squeaky elephant. Usually it lays flat and they play or sleep inside it. They like to chew and scratch at it. Periodically I fill it with new tissue paper, they shred it, then I replace it, and the cycle repeats. This morning someone decided to turn it on its side (quite impressive actually) and pull all the paper out across three cage floors.

Who could have done this?

Now, I don't know, but there's a certain ferret who always seems to be around in these situations.
I'm just saying...

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