Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kyra Speaks Out

Hi, Its me , Kyra. Mom has no idea I'm writing this, but I had to tell you what she did to me this morning.

Mom was doing laundry. One of me and my sisters' favorite times! We like to run around and burrow in the piles; sometimes stealing a sock or two. (Of course never the same two socks.) Then right when mom goes to take the first load down, we have disappeared. This makes mom freak out and think one of us might be in the load. She runs around calling for us and finally pulls us out from under the couch. We hid in the same place every time. Genius, I know! Mom calls this a head count. She's always doing this after she packs a suitcase, or storage under the bed, starts the dish washer (when we had one) and of course before washing a load of laundry.

Anyway, this time I decided to burrow into the sheets pile on the floor and take a snooze. Well a little while later mom came rushing in and grabbed up the pile. I went rolling out, right onto the hardwood floor! Ouch. What a way to wake up! Sure she was all, "oh, baby, I'm so sorry!" She gave me cuddles and tucked me into her favorite blanket in the blanket basket. But I don't know, is that enough? I shouldn't say this, but this little incident has happened before.

Well, I guess I'll forgive her, but maybe I should stick to sleeping under the couch.

1 comment:

  1. No more dishwasher! I'm surprised. Don't feel bad, Kyra. I think I broke JLo's toe with the poop-cleaning bucket.


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