Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Kyra's 6th Birthday

Kyra turned 6 years old this April 25th. Sadly I have been very ill so there was no celebration. She did however receive her yearly distemper shot. Yaayy, oh, wait, what, that's not pleasant? Oh, well it will keep her healthy. Here are some pics to enjoy the life of Kyra....

Baby Kyra Meets Snow

Baby Kyra's First Animal Friend, Bear the Cat
She's showing him her cool tube.

Kyra Joins a Playgroup!

Kyra Loves to Wrestle with Mommy

And Play with Her Sisters

1 comment:

  1. So sweet that you threw in an old picture of our kids and Kyra & Fawn. I hope she had a good birthday. Tomorrow would have been Bartleby's 7th. birthday. Frowny face.


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